Using ‘Resistance’ to Generate Creative Solutions in Therapeutic Contexts
28 & 29 May 2018, 9.30am - 4.30pm
Melbourne, Australia For more information or to register for Melbourne workshops contact:
Helen Wirtz [email protected] or Ron Schweitzer [email protected] |
The workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to reflect on the distinct pressures people are subjected to as they attempt to facilitate areas of tension experienced by one or all relationship participants.
We can all remember times where we have reacted strongly and have either expressed this directly or we have held onto the response. Both of these responses can have a detrimental effect on individuals and on the relationship, including team relationships. Attending this workshop will assist you avoid the reactivity trap while providing you with an opportunity to use the reactions you have to strengthen and protect yourself and others. We all recall moments in our professional or personal life where our or some-one else’s ‘BUT-----‘followed by a silent or loud ‘NO’ has stalled, damaged or even ended a therapeutic relationship. The endless dance of reactivity following or preceding this ‘NO’ will end when we develop the capacity to use the reactions we and others have in relationships, as the first rather than the last signpost in a discovery process.
In this workshop, I will discuss and demonstrate the capacities to respond with creativity rather than deferring, expelling or punishing either the other person or our-self. Through-out the workshop I will focus on the key processes out-lined below. However, this will be ‘performed’ through interviews and exercises where we will address these serious issues with lightness and humour.